
Feeling isolated at the top?

Yes, owning your small business or professional practice can be very wonderful and rewarding yet often chaotic, complicated and competitive. Not exactly what the dream said. (grin)

There are so many moving parts, so many decisions … you are expected to know them all, lead them all and carry them all. Sometimes you just want to hand off the tasks to get them done and move on. Easier said than done, eh?

Often it feels lonely and isolated “at the top” of your company or practice. Doesn’t feel like there is enough time or a place to turn to and confidentially sort it out to get back on track. 

It’s about leaning in, stepping up and breaking through.

When you are blocked by an obstacle or lacking the know-how, your motivation can wane quickly and the things that need tending to … can get lower in the “to-do” pile … fast.

Clients come to me because they are stumped. They need to break free of the multiple grips that are stalling them, clean up some backslides, communicate right in their best light, complete projects, grow their markets. They come sit at my table, lean in, step up … then we start up breaking through … to get. it. all. cleaned up and done. On to the next level.

Finding a safe space to be authentic.

It’s ok to decompress and feel free to be frustrated, authentic, anxious, overwhelmed and however you need to get it out. We will break through the negative self-talk too and get you back on track with simple step-by-step plans.

It’s also ok to be curious, wanting to be a frontrunner, eager to try new approaches and celebrate the wins!

I promise you that our conversations will be honest, productive, and direct. And I love celebrating those wins. 

Take a deep breath … and just START!

Should I or shouldn’t I? The hardest step of all is that first decision! Calling. Scheduling an appointment. There are so many reasons you’ll come up with to avoid it because of time, money you think you don’t have to invest, lack of resources.

Though honestly, after nearly 30 years of experience, this I learned to be true: once we decide to step in and make the call, progress will follow and every step and every dollar invested begins to bring returns for you and your business.

You get out of it what you put into it.

Even if another place didn’t work, with situational coaching this is the space for you. 

I often hear from my clients that they had tried counselors before and received little help; but after coming to me, and we focus on situation by situation, they were able to find the direction that they needed, finally feel relief and yield results better than they expected.

Working together, you’ll see, you can feel safe to explore your frustrations, adopt new skills and enjoy your wins! But I have to tell you … you can’t “call it in” with me. To get results, you must do the work.

Just do it. Reach out now to schedule your free 45 minute session.
Let’s discuss the challenges you are facing NOW. Let’s see if we can start with some quick solutions.

About Lorraine

I have helped many small business owners and professionals to:

  • Untangle their challenges and relieve unnecessary burdens
  • Recharge their fire to turbo-up in the direction they want for their business;
  • Learn to use innovative tools to make realizing their goals easier 
  • Break free from being stuck whether it be from building sales, creating communications and realizing growth strategies

My credentials

For almost 30 years, I have worked for/with all levels of government, business organizations and partnerships helping nearly 30,000 small business owners, professionals and their practices, business executives, start-up companies and solo-entrepreneurs succeed with training, counseling and connecting resources for most every industry sector and phase of operations.

My work includes creating business and strategy plans, troubleshooting problems. Additionally how to increase sales, approach government procurement and securing financing. Special services address business partner and team mediations, gap analysis and initiating start-ups. 

My go-to tools include expert and nontraditional creative but super simple ways to problem-solve, strategize, and implement. We aim, stay focused and stay accountable so we can keep rack up your wins.

Additionally, I have received years of public awards and published recognitions from the US Small Business Administration, State of New Jersey, National America’s Small Business Development Center, countless municipalities, newspapers, business magazines, and chambers of commerce.

PS: I love traveling and always living curious.  I often learn much from my clients as well.

However … what matters MOST …

… is not what I have done before.

It’s what we will accomplish.

Now. Together.

With YOU.